Dress Code


Our goal is to provide an atmosphere of safety, civility, and learning in which no one is distracted by the appearance of our students. The required clothing is available at numerous stores; please ask our office staff if you need assistance obtaining clothing for your children.

Uniform Policy Strictly Enforced

Every Friday is free dress day! Students do not have to wear uniforms on Fridays. School appropriate clothing only. No tank tops, spaghetti straps, sleeveless tops, crop tops, undershirts, or ripped clothing, or pajamas. No inappropriate language or images. Bottoms must be fingertip length.

General Appearance

  • Hair colors/styles should not be distracting
  • No facial makeup, drawings, stickers, or tattoos.
  • All clothing must be neat in appearance, in good repair, no holes, and worn appropriately. The fit and/or style of the clothing should not be tight, revealing, or oversized.
  • Hats may be worn outside. No head coverings indoors (except for religious dress). No bandanas may be worn.


  • Plain, solid color NAVY blue, red, or white
  • Long or short sleeve, must have a collar
  • No t-shirts unless it is NET spirit wear
  • No tank tops, spaghetti straps, sleeveless tops, crop tops
  • No logos or patterns are acceptable on shirts - except spirit wear purchased from school


  • NAVY blue or khaki (tan)
  • Pants can be cotton twill or corduroy, NO jeans or denim of any kind, must be worn at waist – belt to be used if needed
  • Shorts, skirts, jumpers must be no shorter than fingertip length when arms are down at sides, jumpers must have uniform appropriate top underneath
  • Leggings may be worn in NAVY blue or red only, must fit properly and not too tight
  • No adornments (patches, holes, patterns, or any other decorations

Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Coats

If being worn INSIDE:

  • Must be PLAIN AND SOLID, NAVY blue, red, white or spirit wear
  • No logos (except spirit wear), patterns, or designs


  • Shoes should be appropriate for all school activities – no flip-flops, no heels, no Croc style, or slip on

NOTE:  The administration and staff reserve the right to determine the suitability of questionable styles or accessories.  Students will be required to correct uniform violations before attending class.